Open Innovation
Data sources
26 SEP - 28 OCT, 2019 Finalizado
Latin America & Spain
26 SEP - 28 OCT, 2019 Finalizado
Latin America & Spain
Show us your startup way to find new data sources for onboarding and risk assessment!

We want to optimize the experience of new clients that are onboard with digital channels. We need to profile them with information that BBVA doesn’t have, without the clients providing it. The aim is to look for new sources of data beyond the credit bureaus, information.


· Have an interest to be contacted by BBVA and its B usiness Units and/or its Group entities to explore business opportunities forthe development of innovative products or services for BBVA clients.

· Not be registered in a country that is considered a tax haven in accordance with applicable regulations.


The Winner of this initiative will receive the following prize from BBVA: Amazon gift card for the amount of EUR 300,00.

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